Veracity Art

 Jacqueline Read-Szymczyk


Welcome to my world of Art.

 Finally, I have my web site and I can reach out. Because, I confess, I have avoided putting much effort into selling, these last few years. Like most artists, I choose to spend all my spare time creating and I just get totally involved in that!

And selling takes time- it's a whole new job; plus  I already have a 'proper'day job, as a teacher.  Through my art, over the years, I have some happy customers.  Now, thanks to finishing this web site I can share with you.

 Here is my art: please browse, choose and welcome your favourite into your home. 

Make an Offer

 If you see something on my Veracity art site that you'd really like to have,
make me an offer!
I don't have to accept- but I might!
Perhaps you are considering buying a piece of my art,
but would like to see it to be sure?
Let me know and we can arrange a studio visit.

 Open Studio

Would like an invitation to my next Open Studio? 
For all the above, please contact me on